How to decode your dreams
Ever wondered what that weird maze dream was all about and why it features a giant lizard? Me too.
Maybe it’s a message from your intuition that you need to surrender to your lizard brain.
Maybe it’s because you watched the rerun of Jurassic Park last night.
Maybe there’s a deeper meaning that can only be deciphered in context with what’s going on in your life.

Dreams are a complex reflection of your fears, insecurities, hopes, and…yes, dreams. Learning the messages they hold for us can give us powerful information that we know deep down but cannot access during our waking moments.
Let me help decode them with you during Dream Decoding 101, a 90-minute Zoom workshop where you’ll learn:
- why dreams are a powerful tool for greater self-understanding
- the meaning of some of the most common dreams
- how to break down your dreams in three simple steps
- plus tips & tricks to effectively remember and record your dreams
Are you ready to decode your dreams, know yourself better, and chart your path forward with confidence?
Caryn McCleskey is a master dream guide. She’s helped me process and integrate so much in a short time. It’s amazing the insight we can get through our dream world, and how much healing can occur when we are aware of our subconscious blocks, fears and triggers. I highly recommend doing Caryn’s workshops if you want to learn tips and tricks for yourself. And, scheduling a 1:1 interpretation is a MUST. Caryn provides in-depth analysis along with her powerful intuitive abilities to provide so much insight. Dream interpretation is now one of my go-to methodologies for healing and growth, all thanks to Caryn!” -Shannon Acton